Senin, 02 Juli 2012

Katy Perry's despair over Russell Brand split revealed in new film Part Of Me

Katy Perry's despair over Russell Brand split revealed in new film Part Of Me

By Emily Sheridan


As her marriage to Russell Brand crumbled, Katy Perry was ever the professional, performing to thousands of fans on her concert tour.

But in her new documentary film Part Of Me, the singer is seen breaking down in tears and unable to speak as she struggled to comprehend her relationship problems.

The movie, which was filmed over her 2011 tour, saw the singer and comedian initially happy and in love.

Glum: Katy Perry is seen looking sad as she contemplates her marriage to Russell Brand in a scene from Katy Perry: Part Of Me

Glum: Katy Perry is seen looking sad as she contemplates her marriage to Russell Brand in a scene from Katy Perry: Part Of Me

But as the tour continued and they spent increasingly amounts of time apart, Katy has allowed the cameras to capture her despair.

As well as showing that she was the one making the most journeys to visit her husband, the film also reveals their different attitudes to family.

While Russell, 37, appears to be looking forward to parenthood, at 10 years younger and with only a few years of success behind her, Katy isn't quite ready.

When will I see him again? Katy is visibly distressed when she is told she will have to wait weeks before seeing her husband

When will I see him again? Katy is visibly distressed when she is told she will have to wait weeks before seeing her husband

The film shows Katie sobbing backstage in Brazil, unable to communicate whether or not the show should go ahead.

But after composing herself, she plasters a big smile on her face and is happy for her audience as the gig starts.

Another scene shows an exhausted Katy on a plane asking one of her entourage when her next break in the tour is so she can fly and see her husband.

She looks distressed when she is informed she won't be able to see him for another 18 days.

Hysterical: Katy is seen doubling over as she sobs backstage on her California Dreams tour

Hysterical: Katy is seen doubling over as she sobs backstage on her California Dreams tour

In another shot, a crewmember asks Katy is Russell is coming to visit her.

An angry Katy responds: 'He should but he's not.'

She later admits: 'I'm fighting to keep my marriage alive.'

A friend then adds: 'She should be resting, but she wants to fly to wherever Russ is to show she cares. She's running herself ragged.'

Emotional: Katy wanted fans to see every side of her in the moving documentary

Emotional: Katy wanted fans to see every side of her in the moving documentary

Short-lived: Katy and Russell Brand split in December 2011 after 14 months of marriage and just two years as a couple

Short-lived: Katy and Russell Brand split in December 2011 after 14 months of marriage and just two years as a couple

Reflecting on her documentary, Katy said this week: 'Every ten days or so I would put everybody (on the tour) on pause for three or four days so I could go back and re-charge and see to my relationship and give that time, which was very intense for me because the show was still on the road.

'But I made that sacrifice because it was important for me and I had made a commitment at that time.

'Sometimes I had to fly in on the day of the show, completely jet-lagged and feeling like I had been hung by my ankles, and have to go on stage. But it's like I pushed a button when I walked out (on stage.'

In another sequence, Katy receives a text from Russell mentioning their future children, to which she says: 'I will be a mother when I decide to be a mother, but not right now. A baby can't have her baby.'

A second text then prompted the singer to break down in tears.

Russell filed for divorce from Katy - who was on tour at the time - in December 2011 after 14 months

of marriage.

In a scene filmed shortly after their split, Katy admits she still misses him: 'I'm a romantic and I believe in the whole fairytale.

'Love is a dream but the reality is making it work. I did everything I could - but its still failed.'

Ever the professional: Despite her personal turmoil, Katy knew the show must go on

Ever the professional: Despite her personal turmoil, Katy knew the show must go on

Here's what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts, or debate this issue live on our message boards.

The comments below have been moderated in advance.

All the camera's. She was over it five minutes later.

Men can have children very late in life it was horrible of him to demand that she drop everything for him to have a child immediately. My husband waited until I felt ready. I was 38! I wanted to live my life before having children, so that I could feel settled without regrets. I don't blame her one bit. She could drop her career never be able to make a return. Pop music tastes change very fast. Her career could be over in a few years as it is.

So stupid. Her priority should have been her marriage first, not her silly tour. Two very silly people that should have never married in the first place. This just makes me dislike her even more. Selfish couple.

How exactly is this a "documentary"? What will anybody learn from watching this pointless narcissistic drivel? It's just another way for Katy Perry to self-promote and try and save her already fading career. Talk about desperate!

I do like Katie but this is so obviously acting

Sorry, she chose to go on a year-long tour right after getting married. That's not doing everything you can to keep the marriage together, it's doing everything you can to promote your career! And as though the tour wasn't making enough money she was making a movie about herself at the same time! Um, talk about desperate for attention. In addition, they are at utterly different stages of life; she likes to go out and get drunk while he is trying to maintain his sobriety. They just fell in lust and should have had an affair instead of a wedding. Marriage takes much more time and work than she was ready to put into it. And who knows if people like Russell or Katy can ever settle down? He comes from a broken home and she's determined to rebel against her parents' values.

Katy's film sounds incredibly self-serving. She gives a facade of being honest and revealing, but we only get her side of things. She is well into her twenties and has the hard-headed maturity to develop a career worth millions of dollars, yet calls herself a 'baby' who cannot have a baby. Ridiculous! Why not be truthful and admit that fame and cash are more important than child-rearing. I hope she has learned not to be such a narcissist and a believer in fairytales and will actually TALK to the next husband about when to start a family.

Wouldn't wish that pain on anyone :(

Russ, mate, you've acted like a petulant kid. Cutting off your nose to spite your face ain't been one of you best moves, and you've let the best thing to ever happen to you slip away. Poor show for a Hammer.

This looks amazingly tacky and distasteful, what is she thinking.

The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline.

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