Senin, 02 Juli 2012

Nice little earner for the militant union brothers, Len McCluskey and Ed Miliband

Nice little earner for the militant union brothers, Len McCluskey and Ed Miliband

By Andrew Pierce


Unite, whose General Secretary is Len McCluskey, has amassed a £25¿million strike fund

Unite, whose General Secretary is Len McCluskey, has amassed a £25million strike fund

The powerful bond between Labour and its union paymasters is to be severely tested with widespread talk of strikes over the coming months.

Unite, whose members’ votes secured the party leadership for Ed Miliband, has amassed a £25 million strike fund in readiness for possible industrial action.

Among those militants preparing to walk out are London bus drivers, who are considering whether to stop work if they are not paid extra during the Olympics Games.

So how has union boss Len McCluskey â€" an avowed enemy of ‘feral capitalism’ â€" raised such a large strike fund? Buried in the union’s most recent accounts is the revelation that Unite received £13.3 million from the sale of its HQ in the heart of London’s fashion-able Covent Garden.

The deal followed the decision to relocate to the less fashionable King’s Cross area of North London. But a little digging into property deeds shows that the union has done very nicely, thank you, out of rising property prices despite its leader’s aversion to ‘feral capitalism’.

The old HQ had links with trades unions dating back many years and originally was reported to have been bought with money from Lenin before being sold by the Communist Party at a huge profit during the Seventies property boom.

It’s lovely to know so many Left-wing causes have benefited from the ever-spiralling property prices in the capital. The 19th century French Leftist Pierre-Joseph Proudhon â€" who said ‘Property is theft!’ â€" would be turning in his grave.


Proof that the Lords retains a degree of independence and shouldn’t be replaced by a bunch of elected cronies: the Coalition has just suffered its 50th defeat in the Upper Chamber.


Brown wasn’t sweet to Sugar

When Alan Sugar was given a peerage by Gordon Brown, the official explanation was that the tycoon could give advice on business. In fact, it was a stunt by Brown to associate Labour with a popular TV figure. Now Sugar has revealed his side of the story in a speech to the Industry and Parliament Trust. He said: ‘Gordon wanted me to give him ideas on how to make British business great again but everything I said fell on deaf ears. It would always just end with him shouting me down.’


No wonder the NHS is running out of money. A friend in Wimbledon (where there aren’t particularly large numbers of people from ethnic minorities) has just received a letter from a NHS Trust that had been translated into 14 languages including Farsi, Polish, Somali and Vietnamese.


They’ve been fighting like ferrets in a sack over possible changes to welfare entitlements, reform of the Lords and proposals to  re-introduce O-levels.

No wonder the Lib Dems are recruiting a ‘spy’ to keep an eye on their Tory colleagues in the Coalition.

They’ve just advertised for a £32,000-a-year head of the Lords Whips’ Office.

The job description reads: ‘To ensure that intelligence on the activities of our allies and opponents from all parts of the House is sought and provided to maximise our influence and impact.

‘The post-holder will have the ability to work with discretion, observing high degrees of confidentiality.’

So much for chumminess between Lib Dems and Tories!

It’s more like something from a Le Carre novel.


Tweet of the week

The Tory MP Louise Mensch (who else?): ‘About to turn 41, which is actually not as depressing as it sounds. Life gets better as you get older because you’re more relaxed?’ No mention, though, of her rumoured ‘Chicago face-lift’ â€" an op favoured by women with strong chins.


Tony Blair: No ambition to be a billionaire?

Tony Blair: No desire to be a billionaire?

Quote of the week

Tony Blair, in an interview, said: ‘This notion that I want to be a billionaire with a yacht: I don’t!’

Maggie's snub to tax cheats

Yet more evidence of the degrading of the Honours System.

When the actor David Niven was dying in 1983, then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was lobbied privately to give him a knighthood.

She refused because he was a tax exile living in Switzerland. These days, though, standards have slipped. Thus Take That singer Gary Barlow has been handed an OBE despite having invested in a Jersey-based scheme that is used by many as a tax shelter.

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So Comrade Len ( Stalin) McCluskey thinks his £25 million is enough to bring the government down all it will do is make sure that more stringent laws are brought in against the unions as they have no right to try to bring down an elected government this just goes to show commies like him do not believe in democracy.

Which is worse a Union selling assets to help members OR rich men paying £250.000 for 'Supper' to gain influence in government policy?

It was the UNIONS building to SELL AND IT HAS BEEN SOLD TO HELP UNION MEMBERS, what exactly is the matter with THAT - I think you are strangely deluded about what the Trade Union has achieved for 'DM hard working families' workers will be balloted for strike action they will have a choice and you yourself must be in a UNION to be allowed to write such utter tripe for a national newspaper AND you abide by your Unions rules about never haveing in this or any newspaper any unbiased article about the B N P or the E D L......have you actually ever met any hard pressed workers in this Country Mr Pearce not politicions or journalists just hard working people who are being pushed into strike action by this Government - just asking.

What a pathetic story even by your embarrassing standards, DM!

What a pathetic attempt at Union bashing! They sold a property, they want their members to have more money for more work, they run their finances effectively. Whatever next, maybe they will fiddle interest rates, make huge losses and get heaps of money from the taxpayer to keep paying themselves millions in bonuses. If you are looking for moral bankruptcy then you need to look back in the gutter of capitalism.

i am sorry to say this but any body who pays into a union wants there heads looking at i worked all my life and payed into a union they negotiated with management but got nowhere because they went management s way today is worse all you are paying for is these union big wigs and there excesive saleries plus there perks all they want your membership for is your money so they can donate some of it to the labour party and look what a mess they got us in

Try as you might, to paint this as a radical militant story with it's links to Communism. The story is essentially that.....1.The Union have prepared for the potential hardship that their members might have in the future by setting a fund of £25 million aside.......2.Part of this is because they have downgraded their headquaters and put the profit into the fund for the members. Sounds like the kind of people we need running the country if you ask me. Thanks for the head-up DM, it seems that Unite really is a party for its members.

Selling a legal asset? Has a law been broken? No. Is done in a good cause (supporting it's members just and fair cause for a fair pay settlement? Yes it is. I find it incredible all that is going on in the Banks today and we have a DM columnist unsuccessfully trying to make an issue out of something that is legal and totally above board. If you want to report on financial matters try to focus on the Banks for now. I have heard (not from this 'News paper) that all is not fine and dandy there.

By rights thats the members £13 million, so why not give it back to them, or are they acting just like the government they are fighting against?.

Comrade Len obviously supports capitalist principals, but only when it suits him. I think hypocrisy is the word I'm looking for!

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