Senin, 02 Juli 2012

Is your BBQ ageing you? Why that delicious char-grilled food could be giving you wrinkles

Is your BBQ ageing you? Why that delicious char-grilled food could be giving you wrinkles

By Claire Coleman


Chances are you’ll have at least one barbecue this summer despite the unpredictable weather.

But when you do, even if you limit your alcohol intake, slap on the SPF and get an early night, don’t be surprised if you look slightly more wrinkly than usual afterwards.

The culprit? AGEs â€" Advanced Glycation End products â€" which can be found in barbecued food. 

Potentially damaging compounds which, at high levels, can speed up ageing can be found in barbecued food

Potentially damaging compounds which, at high levels, can speed up ageing can be found in barbecued food

These are potentially damaging compounds which, at high levels, can speed up ageing. ‘Advanced glycation is a reaction between carbohydrates (sugars and starches) and proteins or fats at high temperatures,’ says Dr Anastasia Kalea, of University College London.

‘Animal-derived foods that are high in fat and protein are AGE-rich and most likely to form new AGEs when you cook them at high temperatures.’

Dry heat, such as grilling, frying and barbecuing, produces more AGEs than boiling or steaming.

For example, the AGE content of a piece of chicken doubles when you microwave it but almost quadruples when you grill it.

Essentially, the higher the temperature and the longer the cooking, the more AGEs there are, although they will start forming as soon as your food browns.

Research shows AGEs are absorbed into our bodies and when there’s too many of them, they can cause wrinkles and sagging skin because they damage collagen and elastin, which keep skin looking youthful.

So here are our top tips to make sure your food doesn’t make you look older . . .


Acidic solutions stop AGEs from developing, researchers found. In one test, beef marinated for an hour formed less than half the amount of AGEs during cooking than beef that wasn’t.

Try: Mix garlic, salt, pepper, Worcestershire sauce, lemon juice, red wine vinegar and a little olive oil together and leave veg, meat or fish in the marinade overnight.


This means ‘in parchment’ and is a way of sealing the food in a little parcel with some liquid so it steams in its own juice.

Try: Put salmon, grated ginger, lime juice, a little white wine , olive oil, coriander, chopped red chillies and lemongrass sticks in a foil parcel and cook at about 220c (425f, gas 7) for around 15 minutes. You can also barbecue the parcels.


AGEs can cause wrinkles and sagging

AGEs can cause wrinkles and sagging

Researchers found that scrambled eggs prepared over medium-low heat had about half the AGE content of eggs prepared over a high heat â€" and this applies to everything from frying to roasting.

Try: Place a leg of lamb in a lidded casserole dish, add sliced onions, garlic, chopped carrots a mug of white wine and a mug of stock. Slow cook at 120c for seven hours.


All these methods will produce a lower level of AGEs than grilling, roasting, frying or griddling. Poaching works well for chicken and pork, while stewing is a great option for beef and lamb â€" and you can use cheaper cuts, as they need to be cooked for longer than prime pieces of meat.

Try: Poaching pork steaks in milk with a handful of sage, some peppercorns, a couple of garlic cloves and the zest of a lemon. Bring all the ingredients to the boil, add the pork and simmer for about 15 minutes or until cooked.


This keeps the AGE level down, as it lowers the temperature and encourages food to cook via steaming or poaching rather than direct, dry heat.

Try: Poach prawns or chicken in stock before adding them to a stir-fry so they won’t need to be in the pan for as long. Once your veg are in a hot wok, add a tablespoon of stock or water, cover with a lid and take the pan off the heat. This will steam the vegetables so they should be cooked but still have bite, then add in the chicken or prawns.


In his book Ageless Face, Ageless Mind, Dr Nicholas Perricone says the sugar from sugary foods or refined carbohydrates attaches to proteins in the body, resulting in the formation of AGEs.
Vegetables are rich in antioxidants that neutralise free radicals generated by AGEs, so eat lots of vegetables.

Try: Offset the AGEs of a chargrilled steak by serving it with an antioxidant -rich salad of spinach leaves, blanched tenderstem broccoli and beetroot, and a tomato salsa.

Here's what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts, or debate this issue live on our message boards.

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This is a highly irresponsible picture. form a health and safety aspect the pool should be surrounds by a 12ft wire fence support by fixwd steel picquets at every 6 inches, the pool should also be a max 6" deep. There is an open flame in the barbecue and no means of extinguishing, ther should be a fire applincae within 30ft of the open flan. The models are not dressed to be close to an open flame, they should be wearing asbestos suits with breathing apparatus. Lastly their hair is a major fire hazard and should be ties back with a hair net under a protective helmet to prevent further injusry form the sky falling....

How is the picture used in this article relevant for it's content? How does it help to get the article's message through? The people in the photo doesn't look as if they are suffering from any of the negative side effects of BBQs such as obesity, cacner and premature aging.

These 3 look like burgers and sausages are their everyday diet ? NOT

Don't care!

Oh for the love of Peter, Mary and Joseph! What DOESN'T age us!

Do you HAVE to sick to fun out of everything? We have a few short months to be outside and enjoy BBQs with friends and family and you want to go and ruin it. tsk-tsk!

Those ladies in the pic sure know how to make a sausage sizzle... oh do behave!

and so what reason was there to start an article about a scientific issue, with a TA shot of girls in bikini's who almost certainly don't eat anyway?

It's only a few weeks ago that the dangers of charred food were mentioned here in the DM, and even then it was old news since this has been known for years. However, since most people only eat barbecued food occasionally, I daresay it won't do them much harm. Life is too short to worry about every mouthful of food you eat, after all you might get run over by a bus (I nearly did get run over by a bus once, so I'm allowed to use that old cliché. :)).

Sounds like a Sunday roast is really, really bad too. Who gave that woman all the "funding" to do that stupid study? People will eat what they like and steamed vegetables is not it. Besides, I don't see any correlation with this: wrinkles come primarily with your genes as far as I see and happiness helps a lot.

The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline.

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