- Government has written off £35million of free treatment for health tourists over the last eight years
By Daily Mail Reporter

No national standard: Mr Burns admittecd it was up to each GP whether to register a foreign national on a six-month visitor's visa
GPs have too much freedom to register sick foreigners who may not be entitled to expensive British healthcare, campaigners said today.
Migration Watch UK claimed family doctors could decide whether to take on patients without identity documents and give them free treatment which should not be available to them.
The revelation follows a written Parliamentary answer from Health Minister Simon Burns admitting there was no formal requirement for foreigners to provide documentation when registering with a GP.
Mr Burns said: 'A decision on whether to register a foreign national who has a six-month visitor's visa is therefore currently for the GP to consider.'
Migration Watch chairman Sir Andrew Green said today: 'What this means is that someone getting off a plane with a valid visitor's visa is in effect able to access the GP services of the NHS without ever having paid a penny into the system.
'Once registered with a G P it is, in practice, an easy step to potentially highly-expensive and long term treatment - all at the expense of the UK taxpayer with little or no prospect of the beneficiaries ever being charged for it.'
Sir Andrew said it was not for doctors to 'act as an arm of the immigration service' and warned of 'clear and substantial risks of abuse in such a lax system'.

Waiting room: Mr Burns said the existing system 'is still too complex, generous and inconsistently applied'
He added: 'The present situation is outrageous. Everyone knows the pressure the NHS is under and its ever increasing cost to the taxpayer.
'To allow such easy and potentially hugely-expensive access without any entitlement must be stopped at once, otherwise the NHS risks becoming the World Health Service.'Â
Last year, Simon Burns revealed that health tourists have taken at least £35million of free treatment over the last eight years.
That is the sum health service bosses have written off after foreign patients came to the UK for treatment â" and left without paying.
The Department of Health is still trying to recover millions more from thousands of others who have abused British hospitality, so the real figure could be far higher.

Simon Burns said the Government was reviewing current health arrangements for overseas visitors
Entitlement to free NHS hospital treatment is based on a patient being âordinarily residentâ in the UK.
Anyone else will be charged for the full cost of any treatment they receive unless an exemption applies to the particular therapy.
While treatment in an accident and emergency department is automatically free to all, emergency care elsewhere is not. However urgent treatment, such as maternity care, will always be given regardless of residence status or ability to pay afterwards.
UK Border Agency officials see 150 cases a year at Gatwick Airport of heavily pregnant passengers arriving with visitor visas.
Last yea r the Home Office and Department of Health admitted the existing system 'is still too complex, generous and inconsistently applied.'
They promised stricter checks to make sure the details of overseas patients are properly recorded so hospitals can recover any debt.
Also those visitors who have run up £1,000 or more in medical debts will not be allowed back into the country.
However, the decision as to whether visitors should be charged for GP services and other NHS services outside of hospitals is still under review.
Mr Burns said: 'We won't tolerate abuse of our National Health Service. The NHS has a duty to anyone whose life or long-term health is at immediate risk but it is not there to serve the health needs of the globe.
'There are comprehensive rules and procedures to charge visitors for hospital treatment but we know that the system needs to be improved.
'That is why we are currently reviewing those arrange ments to prevent inappropriate free access to the NHS and provide a fairer, more balanced system.'
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"National" Health service, not international!
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It's not their money they are playing with, it's ours. If it was theirs it would be different wouldn't it. Too many of these people are divorced from financial reality.
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Please can we rid ourselves of this pathetic excuse of a government................
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If they sorted this abuse of the N.H.S. out we would have more money for front line services why should our taxpayers for for visitors to this country who are not entitled if I were to go to China and needed medical treatment you can bet your life I would have to pay.
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With all the managers in the NHS are they not able to sort this out and work out how to create a billing system?
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Unless they have health cover they should not be allowed in the country, end off. Why should I fund other people. I don't care whether they live or die, I don't want to fund them...
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can i ask! if we went to their country would we get free treatment? NO we would not so why are they allowed. I cant get my head round it, this country is slowly going down the pan were not British any more
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"In the EU you will be treated free for life threatening diseases,accidents heart attacks etc.,if it is not covered under the act then they will treat you and send the bill to your own country.Surely that is not too hard to understand and copy. Michael, France". Quite. I was in London a while ago and went to an emergency dentists' surgery. I was the only English speaker waiting and noticed that people were just being waved in to see dentists. When I was called I asked the receptionist if she wanted my NI number but she looked blank and waved me away. Absolutely anybody - tourists, illegals - could get free treatment without ever having contributed a halfpenny. But the treatments of course are all paid for by tax payers.
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And this on the same day that I read that GPs have voted to deny British smokers and the overweight NHS treatment! It is about time that GPs got their act together and that the NHS reviewed its delivery process to make sure that they are serving the people who fund them.
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Good old UK, thankyou politcians you have ruined my wonderful country, yes I will be voting UKIP.
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