By Olivia Fleming
High school students are furious after learning that their prom king and queen are to be chosen at random.
Instead of the traditional process, which sees seniors elect their favourite students, Kaynor Tech High School is to launch a new lottery-based system in a bid to prevent bullying.
But principal Lisa Hylwa's effort to stop the annual popularity contest have had a poor reception from students, who consider the new system 'unfair'.

Anti-bullying: Kaynor Tech High School is to select this year's prom king and queen at random to prevent a popularity contest (posed by models)
Ms Hylwa explained to News 8: 'It eliminates all the poppycock, "Oh my goodness she was chosen as prom queen and I wasn't"'
The new politically-correct system asks students who want a chance to be chosen as prom king or queen to put their name in a box.
The pair will then be chosen at random on prom night.
Jennifer Buonocore, a senior at the Waterbury high school said: 'A lot of kids just think it's unfair because ya know, it's a prom tradition.'
Ms Hylwa said last year's voting caused drama, however Senior Reynaldo Garcia said he would rather vote than be chosen out of a hat.

Unpopular principal: Lisa Hylwa said last year's voting caused drama, however students have said they would rather vote than be chosen out of a hat
She said: 'I got a few phone calls from parents saying the cliques banned together and selected these kids. Every kid that I see come into the prom as a principal and a mom, they're gorgeous.
'They all deserve an opportunity to participate as prom king and queen,' she added.
Ms Hylwa also noted that she turned the prom king and queen into a lottery because the students that are chosen to be prom king and queen are often the target of bullies.
She said: 'One of the things that has happened is students are elected as a joke or to taunt them.'

Prom tradition: Students are unhappy with the new politically correct system, because it is eliminating a prom tradition
However Miss Buonocore disagrees, explaining: 'I don't feel like anyone in our class would ever do something like that, or in the junior class, that's just mean and we're not mean.'
While the principal said the idea is to stop bullying and keep drama out of the prom, her students would like to see her decision reversed.
Senior Racquel Allen said: 'Honestly, that's how high school goes. I like it the way it was.'
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I'd like to see every school elect someone like the Down Syndrome girl that was elected a few weeks ago. That class showed that not everyone overlooks kids that are different. Their parents should be proud of all of them.
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This is ridiculous, and this woman should not be an educator. This isn't a way to build character.
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I'm sure the only students who care are the spoiled brats of the "popular crowd". Let everyone else have a chance instead of a popularity contest where everyone know who'll win before the election even happens.
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Fair enough
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