By Liz Hodgkinson
Ever since my partner died eight years ago, I have been looking for another life companion, someone exciting with whom to walk into the sunset for our remaining years.
So far, this special man has eluded me. And I am far from alone in this. So many of my female friends of a certain age are searching for love, on the internet or elsewhere, and coming up with precisely zero.
Itâs not that we donât meet available men â" we do. But somehow they are not what we are looking for. They all end up disappointing us, and we have had endless chats, lunches and drinks bemoaning that fact.

So many of females of a certain age are searching for love, on the internet or elsewhere, and coming up with precisely zero
Time and time again, we ask ourselves and each other: whatâs the matter with them? Why do older men make such dreadful partners?
It has led me to conclude that though ever more of us are looking for true love in our later years â" in fact, dating sites aimed at the over-50s are the fastest growing among all age groups â" the fact is very few of us will ever find it.
I wrote an article to this effect for this paper a year ago, but it turns out it wasnât just me being cynical â" psychiatrist Dennis Friedman backs me up and has some answers to boot.
He is the author of a new book, The Lonely Hearts Club (his first work of fiction at the age of 88), which is closely based on his decades of clinical experience and research into what really goes on inside relationships.
Dr Friedman tells the stories of about a dozen men between 50 and 80 â" all but one divorced, widowed or never married â" who are composites of his former patients, and investigates why thereâs such a cavernous gulf between them and their female peers. He wants to explore why, despite the fact that more of us than ever before are finding ourselves single later in life, we are incapable of pairing up with each other.
Friedmanâs male characters are discontented and disorientated, wondering where they have gone wrong, and whether they can put things right. Above all, they agonise over whether they will ever again be able to find happiness in an intimate relationship.
They may be partly fictional, but they certainly ring bells with m e; they are all examples of the kind of standard issue, unattractive older men I come across all the time.
Perhaps one of the most incisive points Dr Friedman makes is the fact that older men are often totally incapable of opening up to new women. Over time, they have forgotten â" or maybe they never knew â" how to fall in love properly or even begin to inch closer to someone.Â
Dr Friedman says older men suffer these problems because they were brought up differently from younger chaps. They may have been able to form relationships in their youth, but the world was less touchy-feely then â" men were left to be men and werenât required to talk of emotions.
âNowadays, there is a lot of emphasis on bonding, hugging and kissing babies, but in the past, boy babies especially were left to tough it out, far more than girls,â he says.

One of the most incisive points Dr Friedman makes is the fact that older men are often totally incapable of opening up to new women
âSo, if they have never experienced affection, how will they be able to give it? These men simply donât know what a close relationship feels like and, of course, itâs very late to learn.â
He adds: âIâm not saying every single man is like this, but because of their upbringing, older men are likely to have learned how to button up their feelings.
âOf course, men can fall passionately in love when theyâre older, but it is less likely because there is less spontaneity and less emotion at this ag e. There is also less of a reason, less need to form a relationship, especially after their children have grown up. So even if older men are looking, itâs not with the same urgency.â
Dr Friedman also highlights the fact that many older men harbour outdated, chauvinistic views â" an attitude unlikely to find favour with modern women, even older ones.
One of his characters says, without any irony, that a womanâs place is looking after her children and not having them brought up by a nanny. And Dr Friedman is sympathetic.
He knows such views might sound rather old-fashioned, but is unrepentant. âAll children secretly have a wish for their mother to be in the home, to have the sort of security an old-fashioned housewife used to provide,â he says.
âMen tend to hark back to when they were children. So though women now have more freedom, men will always prefer the traditional set-up.â

Dr Friedman explains that underneath apparent inflexibility lies fear. It is fear more than anything else that prevents men relating to women properly in later life
Itâs certainly true that there were more incentives for women of my generation to move with the times â" after all, the changes that came with womenâs liberation benefited us so much. Meanwhile, many of our male peers stuck their heads in the sand and remained culturally fixed in the Fifties â" only to find that when they wanted to re-engage with women later in life, there was a huge gulf between them.
Dr Friedman explains that underneath this apparent inflexibility lies fear. It is fear more than anything else that prevents men relating to women properly in later life.
Older men are afraid of new, unknown women, afraid of trying to access their feelings, which have become buried over the years, and afraid of branching out into the ups and downs of a new relationship â" and this attitude only increases the chances of it all ending in tears.Â
Personally, I think itâs their inability to talk about their feelings that makes them so unsatisfactory.
Recently, I was having a candid chat with a successful property developer in his 70s. We were talking about his lonely childhood, and just as I thought we were touching on something real and interesting, the shutters came down.
âWell, I suppose Iâd better get back to earning money,â he said. That was a matter he did understand; feelings, on the other hand, were too complex.
A friend has had similar problems. She started a relationship with an older man, but grew frustrated by his constant avoidance of anything vaguely personal.
Whenever she tried to pierce the surface of why he is as he is, he would reply: âThatâs a conversation for another time.â
They just donât get it, do they?
At the moment, I have three rather persistent admirers â" one is a friend of my late partner and I met the other two through mutual friends â" but there is no rapport or chemistry between us.
When I asked one of them what he had to offer me, he replied: âWell, nothing really.â
On another occasion, he asked me whether I loved him. We have known each other for seven years, but feelings havenât deepened in that time â" so I told him so. He replied plaintively: âCanât you lie?â
Is it any wonder I would rather be on my own than with old-timers such as these?
Dennis Friedman has been married for more tha n 60 years to novelist and playwright Rosemary, and they have four daughters. The secret of their long marriage is that they are both hard-working professionals who continue to have a sense of purpose.Â
In their home, they each have a study (and his and hers stairlifts!) and keep set hours of work. Dr Friedman also still sees patients.
So many older people looking for partners have absolutely nothing to do, and that is another problem. They are advertising for a woman to accompany them on cruises and holidays because they have nothing constructive to fill their days.
The danger with meeting a retired person is that they may want to spend every minute with you, which is something that does not happen when you are young and working or bringing up families.
All THE men Dr Friedman writes about are retired or semi-retired, with loads of time on their hands.
Though this means they can sit and chat endlessly to each other in cafes, they remain lo st souls outside the group.
The end of the book is pretty bleak. All of the characters are just as alone as they were before, in that none has found a new partner.Â
The final message is that, deep down, older men feel far more comfortable with other men than with trying to embark on a relationship with a new woman, especially when there is no real need and when their overwhelming sexual urges have died down.
Many men have told me that they are basically very shy, but that when they are overcome with sexual desire, this makes them bolder. Then, when that fades away, they become shy again.Â
The majority of mature men, it seems, are just not comfortable with women as equal companions. When a couple of women infiltrate Dennis Friedmanâs Lonely Hearts Club, the dynamics start to change, and not for the better.
As older people, we will chatter more readily and naturally with members of our own sex than with the opposite sex, and this goes for women as well.
So perhaps the final truth is that we think we want a new partner of the opposite sex, but actually we have outgrown this need.
We are entering the realms of fantasy when we imagine we might find someone wonderful, harking back to our lost youth.Â
Even so, I donât think I will give up quite yetâ.â.â.âyou never know.
- The Lonely Hearts Club will be published by Peter Owen on June 14 at £9.99.
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Can it be the case that men really only fall in love once? If they lose that person for whatever reason, they go round looking for someone who is exactly the same and only like them insofar as they are the same. So they are not trying really to get to know the new person or like her for herself. Divorced men also can be bitter and if they believe their ex treated them unfairly or took money from them, they tar every female with the same brush and think all women are only out for money, etc. Maybe the problem is that men find it difficult to relate to women as individual human beings. They have a stereotype in their heads, good or bad, of what a woman is or should be. They might want affection and being taken care of, and a bit of unchallenging company, but I doubt that they really want a meeting of minds - they have their male friends for that. I'd like to be proved wrong though.
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I always tend to think that money is at the back of it all the time. Be realistic a woman wants a man for money, as you reach the age of retirement money begins to become very tight, a man alone manages a financial situation carefully--that is obligatory, to further complicate your life by funding an extra person is just not possible. Women of that age, say 60+ are looking for a wealthy man, but for obvious reasons the wealthy man is looking for a much younger woman. To have fairy tale dreams is very nice but reality is the master of us all.
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Burt, UK - Oh I don't doubt it, there are plenty of them about! Sounds like you had your very own "cougar" moment!! :-)
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If you're immediately asking men "what have you got to offer me", don't be surprised if you're alone.
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Probably because men are trying to work out where their home, kids, pension car etc went to....oh hang on the ex wife got it all
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This is a very bleak article on older people dating which I don't entirely agree with. Yes it is harder to find someone when you are older, but certainly not impossible. I know plenty of older people in their 60s and even beyond who meet someone and have a normal healthy relationship together. Men find it harder to move on after a divorce of becoming a widow, as they don't discuss their feelings and tend to bottle things up. I think this woman should stop analysing things too much and just go with the flow.......she never knows what might happen!
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I find this article totally alien to me. I met and married age 63 a super guy of the same age. We had both been widowed and have grown up children. We've been together now for 10 years and during this time have travelled quite a lot. We spend most of our time together but even though we're very close we have our own interests event at home Our relationship is as strong as ever. I have a husband who is not afraid to show his emotions
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It would be nice to get Ian and Suzanne together!
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My wife passed away 5 years ago and although in some ways I've come to terms with her death (I'm only 37), I just can't see myself committing to anyone else. The last 5 years have been very emotionally taxing. In some ways it's also a defense mechanism, but given the state of today's relationships, I find it safer to try and enjoy my life by taking on a certain detachment to life, perhaps date here and there casually, and not commit emotionally to another woman. I have female friends and as soon as I hear them babble and complain as women do, I feel suffocated. Life is hard enough, why complicate it more ... carpe diem!
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Part 2.......... Then again I might be fortunate enough to bump into someone like Suzzane who has good taste in TV and an appreciation of the simple things in life. You never know....;o)
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