Selasa, 24 April 2012

The end of ironing? Device steams away creases in nine minutes

The end of ironing? Device steams away creases in nine minutes

By Sean Poulter


It's a question that perplexes even the most tireless domestic goddess: Will I ever reach the bottom of the ironing pile?

If the claims of a British company are to be believed, however, it’s a question that won’t be asked for much longer.

For the firm has invented a device â€" called the SteamRail â€" that apparently banishes the need to iron at all, wiping out the wrinkles and creases on up to 35 garments in just nine minutes.

The device apparently wipes out the wrinkles and creases on up to 35 garments in nine minutes

The system effectively pumps steam into a cabinet, where the heat and moisture leaves clothes smooth, smart and ready to wear.

And the makers, Displaysense, say that because the SteamRail folds flat it can easily be stored under a bed.

Despite the wealth of labour-saving inventions that grace our homes, ironing has remained relatively untouched by technology.

It is an oversight keenly felt by generations raised with washing machines and tumble dryers, which have long replaced the tub, washboard and wringer.

Ironing is thought to be one of the worst three chores alongside cleaning the bathroom and de-greasing the oven Steamrail could replace ironing

Ironing is thought to be one of the worst chores alongside cleaning the bathroom and de-greasing the oven

Research for Displaysense â€" which is better known for supplying mannequins and other accessories to high street stores â€" suggests families spend an average of 160 hours a year pressing their clothes, adding up to around a year-and-a-half over a lifetime.

As a result, ironing is considered one of the worst three chores alongside cleaning the bathroom and de-greasing the oven.

Company spokesman Jim Moody said: ‘This product is the first of its kind.

We’ve spent a long time in development so that it works as efficiently as possible for the customer, meaning that less time needs to be spent with the iron, meaning more leisure time for ourselves.’ 

The SteamRail costs £234, comparable with hi-tech steam iron systems, which cost up to £280. 

Here's what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts, or debate this issue live on our message boards.

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This is not new. This is similar to the JML Dri Buddi which is circular in shape and dries your clothes, the only difference that the SteamRail is shaped like a box and blows in steam instead of heat, so really it is not an invention but an improvisation of the Dri Buddi

Another blatant advertising feature. Similar things to this have been around for years, people have been using fabric steamers fo ages on rails to do their clothes, I use one, it takes ten minutes to do half a dozen garments, a simple trick is to put a blanket over the rail and leave the steamer on underneath. This is a waste of time and another gadget you don't want.

If this takes off there will be nothing for women to do

I think I'll have to get one. It'll be cheaper than keeping the wife! lol (I'll get my coat!)

fantastic i recon most single people especially men will love it

"Despite the wealth of labour-saving inventions that grace our homes, ironing has remained relatively untouched by technology." No it hasn't, one has peasants to do it for one.

er.. hang your washing up wet on hangers.. then let it dry... works for me lol .. have done so since I gave my tumble dryer up cos I moved to a smaller house.. hardly ever iron anymore.. so im saving money on drying.. money on using an iron.. as well as been planet friendly.. but most of all saving TIME!!! =0)

DM if you are going to pass off an advertisement as news at least include a link so we can buy the product.

I would like one!

Honestly I dont know what you all find that needs ironing. I have a timer on my washing machine so I set it to wash at 5.30am then when I get up it goes outside on my washing line in summer or downstairs on my basement line in winter. I dont even iron my husbands shirts or trousers. Just give them a good shake and hang them up! Just about the only thing I occasionally have to iron are the odd tablecloth or linen trousers maybe. People who need to iron sheets and underwear and childrens clothes need to get something more to fill their lives and stop wasting their time on needless ironing!

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