Senin, 23 April 2012

Financial markets rocked over political turmoil in France and the Netherlands

Financial markets rocked over political turmoil in France and the Netherlands

By Ruth Sunderland


Political upheaval in the eurozone took its toll on the financial markets yesterday as traders digested Francois Hollande’s first round election victory in France and the collapse of the coalition government in the Netherlands.

The French CAC index and the German Dax both fell by around 3 per cent. The euro slid against the dollar and German bond yields fell to record lows as investors sought a safe haven.

Financial markets have been unnerved by the rise of Francois Hollande, previously best known as the partner of Ségolène Royale, French president Nicolas Sarkosy’s defeated opponent in the last French election.

Unsettled outlook: Stock markets fell after political upheaval in both France and the Netherlands

Unsettled outlook: Stock markets fell after political upheaval in both France and the Netherlands

He may never even have emerged as a challenger had it not been for the sexual shenanigans involving former IMF supremo Dominique Strauss Kahn, who was expected to be the socialist candidate.

Equally unsettling is the upheaval in the Netherlands, usually seen as part of the eurozone’s more stable northern core, where Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte handed his resignation to Queen Beatrix yesterday.

Rutte’s minority administration lost the support of the opposition party in a rebellion against spending cuts.

The economy is front and centre of the election campaigning in France, which although a long way from the plight of peripheral eurozone countries, is struggling with lacklustre growth, 10 per cent unemployment, straining public finances and a population unwilling to give up on cherished pensions and welfare benefits.

The country was stripped of its triple A credit rating in January. The alarm at the results of the first round of polling â€" where hard-right candidate Marine Le Pen fared unexpectedly well â€" centres around two strands: the possible implications of a Hollande presidency for the stability of the eurozone, and his anti-rich, anti-financial markets rhetoric.

The keystone of Hollande’s economic policy is his opposition to austerity alone and his promise to renegotiate the European fiscal pact to include measures on jobs and growth.

He has pledged to reverse increases in the retirement age and outlined €20billion of new spending over five years, funded by tax hikes for the rich, with a 75 per cent rate on those earning more than €1million a year and a 45 per cent rate on those earning more than €150,000. He has also pledged to limit executive pay to 20 times the average.

Both Hollande and Sarkozy advocate a financial transaction tax, which would have a far bigger impact on the City of London than on the Paris bourse.

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Great, bring it on, the beginning of the collapse !

And if you belive that, you'll believe anything.

We're all doomed!!!

As the song goes "its only just begun"

Financial markets are always rocked by something,this week the Dutch and the French,next week it could be anything from the price of cheese to a change of wind direction.Stock market traders are a fickle bunch,well seen it is not their money to speculate with.

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