Jumat, 27 April 2012

If we tackle double-dip recession with QE, let's spend it on something useful

If we tackle double-dip recession with QE, let's spend it on something useful

By Simon Lambert


Our old friend foe recession is back, so perhaps now it is time to think outside the box and spend some of our printed money on something useful, says This is Money assistant editor Simon Lambert.

Double-dip: We're back in recession as the recovery from the 2008-9 slump proved short-lived

Double-dip: We're back in recession as the recovery from the 2008-9 slump proved short-lived

The double-dip has finally arrived. The new recession has arrived hot on the heels, in economic terms, of the Great Recession from spring 2008 to summer 2009.

As that was drawing to an end, in May 2009 I wrote about the prospect of a double-dip, noting that George Buckley, chief UK economist at Deutsche Bank, had commented: 'The big risk is you could see a W-shaped recession. We could see policymakers taking back some of the easing too quickly.'

Since then we've probably been easier than anyone expected - the Bank of England base rate is still at 0.5 per cent and we've thrown £325bn worth of funny money from Quantitative Easing at the problem.

Yet we still find ourselves back in recession. My theory has always been that the UK was likely to head for a double-dip, although I would much rather have been proved wrong that right.

In that 2009 blog, I commented that firefighting measures had given, ‘momentum to a blip that will provide the little peak in the middle of the W, before things take a turn for the worst again, as unemployment, pay freezes and banks feeling the pain of bad mortgage and commercial loans kicks in.'

How recession returned: The chart shows how the UK economy was dragged back into a slump

How recession returned: The chart shows how the UK economy was dragged back into a slump

With hindsight that looks a reasonably accurate assessment but there is an obvious gaping hole in that bit of crystal ball gazing - the eurozone debt crisis.

We have grown so used to this rumbling on in the background that we forget just what a massive economic event the threat of major European nations defaulting and the collapse of the euro is.

If we could jump in the Delorean and time travel back to 2009 to tell ourselves about how the eurozone's mess was going to play out, our past selves would be astonished at quite how blase we have managed to become about the situation.

We would also have been astonished at the sheer weight of money thrown at our problems and how we have essentially transferred the financial crisis from being a shareholder's problem (the owners of failing banks) to a taxpayer's problem (the owners of failing nations).

So could we have done anything differently? Who knows, this crisis is after all one gigantic experiment in trying to fix a constantly evolving problem.

Currently, the flavour of the month is a backlash against austerity, which not that long ago was itself the flavour of the month.

Now the push is for less cuts and it is almost certainly likely that we will see at least one more massive dose of economic stimulus, quite possibly in the form of more money printing here and in America, and via the eurozone's cunning backdoor QE, the catchily branded Long Term Refinancing Operation.

If we are going to print more money, let's do something useful with it

One question that should be tackled though is whether if we are going to continue printing money should we start doing something more useful with it than pumping it into the financial system?

So far QE here has essentially involv ed the Bank of England buying up UK government bonds in the hope that the cash it gives to financial institutions for them will end up benefiting the economy. Exactly how much benefit is delivered is hugely difficult to quantify.

Adam Posen, the Bank of England monetary policy committee’s big QE cheerleader, himself described it as akin to: ‘Driving a 10-year-old used Vauxhall Vectra with a cranky transmission down a rural road without a map: you will get where you are going, but you are not sure how long it will take to get there, and you will not enjoy the ride.’

Now compare the dubious effect that pumping £325bn into the financial system has had, to the benefit spending it on actually doing some real stuff would deliver.

There’s certainly some dodgy railways, substandard or too small schools, closing hospitals, energy underinvestment, £9,000-a-year university bills, apprentice training schemes and pothole-ridden roads that wou ld benefit from a bit of massaging with that kind of money.

That is not to say that I buy into the twisted Keynesian economics used by the proponents of the ‘borrow and spend to get out of this mess’ argument. I don’t, and I firmly believe the only way to deal with a debt crisis is to do something about the debt not waste more money.

However, as our monetary great and good have bought into the Quantitative Easing idea and there is a strong possibility we will get another dose â€" or at least some very robust arguments for it â€" then perhaps we should be considering a different tack. 

If we are going down the money printing route then why not use the one-off possibility of boosting ourselves out of the crisis by using some of our new funds to do something useful that will genuinely put more cash into the economy?

That’s not a call for higher overall spending and continuing the waste of previous years but an argument f or applying some jump leads to the economy by spending on improving some of the things Britain desperately needs fixing.

And while we are there let’s set up a direct investment fund vehicle to lend to entrepreneurs and small businesses.

Apply the jump leads to the economy

The economist’s answer against using printed money to do something useful tends to centre on the how the international debt markets will lose faith in Britain and its gilts if we do this. You devalue your debt by printing money to simply finance doing stuff, is the nub of the economist’s riposte, and then no one will want to buy it.

But we are already devaluing our debt by printing money to throw at the wall marked 'financial system' - and the international markets, operating on the least-worst investment principle, seem to be reasonably fine with Britain doing this right now. (Although of course, our borrowing costs are being driven artificially lower by the Ban k of England buying up our own debt)

Jump start: If we are going to print money, should we spend it on something useful to boost the economy?

Jump start: If we are going to print money, should we spend it on something useful to boost the economy?

And investors also look at future prospects: the gain to Britain of using some of our magic billions to actually invest in making the country better is that we would be less likely to remain hooked on QE and in the long-run that makes British debt a better bet.

The next bout of the Eurozone crisis is highly likely to see renewed calls for QE there too â€" something that faces solid opposition on the continent despite the LTRO scheme.

But perhaps it would be more palatable to the eurocrats if rather than money being injected into the financial system, it was put towards infrastructure investment that actually boosted country’s growth.

America is also not out of the woods yet, and the prospect of QE3 over there raises its head every so often, surely more easing there would be far more palatable to Main Street if the money wasn’t just punted at Wall Street.

The next argument against injecting money directly into investing i n improvements is that it is inflationary, but I suspect in the long-run it could end up being less inflationary that QE thrown at the financial system.

QE was originally about pumping more in to eventually reach the banks: we’ve tried that and it might have worked, it might have just made things less bad, but it has certainly cost savers and pensioners dear.

If we must have more easing, it is time for a more radical solution with visible direct benefits - something that even those savers and pensioners will see some return on. At least then we’d have something to show for our £325bn and counting.

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