Senin, 23 April 2012

Soya milk 'protects the liver'

Soya milk 'protects the liver'

By Daily Mail Reporter


Soy protein appears to help repair a pathway in the liver involved in fat metabolism

Soy protein appears to help repair a pathway in the liver involved in breaking down fat

Soya milk is not just good for those who are lactose intolerant - researchers have found it's good for the liver as well.

A team from the University of Illinois found soy protein, which is also found in tofu, may reduce the build-up of harmful fat in the liver.

Scientists in the US compared the livers of lean and obese rats fed a diet containing either milk or soy protein.

No differences were seen in lean animals. But obese rats fed soy showed a 20 per cent reduction in overall levels of fat accumulation in the liver.

Triglycerides, a type of fat known to be harmful to the heart, were reduced by the same level.

This means soya could protect against 'fatty liver disease', a condition linked to obesity that can lead to liver failure.

Study leader Dr Hong Chen, from the University of Illinois, said: 'Almost a third of American adults have fatty liver disease, many of them without symptoms. Obesity is a key risk factor for this condition, which can lead to liver failure.

'When fat accumulates in an organ that's not supposed to store fat, like the liver, that organ's vital function can be dangerously compromised.'

The findings are being presented today at the annual meeting of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in San Diego, California.

Soy protein appears to help repair a key signalling pathway in the liver involved in fat metabolism, said the scientists. This made it harder for the liver to become a 'dumping ground' for excess fat.

'In many obese persons there's a sort of traffic problem, and when more fat can make its way out of the liver, there's less pressure on the organ,' said Dr Chen.

It follows a recent study from Delaware University that found drinking two glasses of soya milk a day eased hot flushes in menopausal women.

Hot flushes occur suddenly, lasting about four minutes on average, and produce an uncomfortable feeling of intense heat. Sufferers may break out in sweats during the day, while frequent hot flushes at night can severely disrupt sleep.

Professor Melissa Melby found the ingredient reduced the frequency of this uncomfortable symptom by 20 per cent and severity by 26 per cent, following a comprehensive review.

Here's what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts, or debate this issue live on our message boards.

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False scientific claims by DM. Soya Milk protects the liver ??? Even the obese rats on which the research was made still had 80% of the harmful fat remaining in their livers.

From the University of Ilinois web site: "NSRL (National Soybean Research Laboratory) is funded by local, state and national organizations with an interest in soybeans." For which read "NSRL and its research is funded by special interest groups seeking a positive message for the multi billion dollar soy industry." Other studies show soy as being potentially goitrogenic and dangerously high in phytoestrogens amongst other things so choose your 'experts' wisely.

How do you "milk" a soya bean?

Dont forget, some people with a family history of breast cancer should not take soy. Also because of the oxalates present in soy, people with kidney disease should also be carefull. Why not do some investigation for your selves if in doubt. Worth checking out more than one website as some sites list different side effects and advice, such as avoiding in gout.

I make my porridge every morning with soya milk, but can't stand the taste if drunk alone,

Sorry but that research only guarantees Soya milk is good for members of parliament and city bankers, inconclusive for the rest of us!

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