Senin, 28 Mei 2012

The A-Z of love: O is for obsession

The A-Z of love: O is for obsession

By James Kerr and Matthew Johnstone


 James Kerr and Matthew Johnstone celebrate the A-Z of love. This week, O is for obsession.

In the film Play Misty For Me, Clint Eastwood is seduced and then finally stalked by an obsessive fan. It doesn’t end well.

In real life, obsession is equally destructive. Often related to alcohol and drugs, it is love as an addiction â€" and not a good place to be.

Addictive trait: Obsession is often related to alcohol and drugs

Addictive trait: Obsession is often related to alcohol and drugs

In 2006, Dr John D. Moore defined what he called the Obsessive Love Wheel, explaining the pattern.


Instantaneous and overwhelming, this feels like love, but is it’s opposite. It’s called being ‘hooked on their look’ and is too intense, too fast.


The fear. Uncertainty and insecurity. Paranoia about infidelity â€" and accusations. Controlling behaviour â€" emotional blackmail, rage, isolation, verbal and physical. If it feels ‘all wrong’, it probably is. Run!


Stalking begins: ‘drive-bys’, random pocket searches, emails scoured for imaginary clues. You receive repetitive, often angry phone calls. If you haven’t left, leave now, because the next stage is:


The obsessive feels rage, anger, and plots revenge. For some, there remains an inability to let go, leading to continued stalking and increasing danger. Take action â€" call the police if you have to.

Here's what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts, or debate this issue live on our message boards.

The comments below have not been moderated. this rubbish STILL going on ? !!

It's funny how you choose to illustrate this with a picture of an obsessed woman; in reality, it's men who are far more likely to act crazy and become obsessed and violent when a relationship fails. In the UK, an average of two women a week are killed by a violent partner or ex-partner. This constitutes nearly 40% of all female homicide victims*. *(Povey, (ed.), 2005; Home Office, 1999; Department of Health, 2005.)

Saw somebody posted this on twitter by link. I agree with them. You should've referenced LeAnn Rimes, She stalked a married man like glen close did in fatal attraction. And she single's white females his ex wife. That girl is crazy beyond believable. Lucky you can google her crazy looney antics.

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