Senin, 28 Mei 2012

Hero schoolboy, 8, to receive second bravery award for twice saving his epileptic mother's life

Hero schoolboy, 8, to receive second bravery award for twice saving his epileptic mother's life

  • Ewan Parry, eight, saw his mother Diane fall to the ground suffering from a severe fit
  • He immediately dialled 999 and laid out her medication ready for paramedics - just as he did in 2009
  • Schoolboy will now be presented with a second bravery award from the North East Ambulance service

By Graham Smith


A schoolboy has become a hero for a second time after saving the life of his epileptic mother twice in three years.

Ewan Parry, eight, recently saw his mother Diane fall to the ground suffering from a severe fit.

He immediately dialled 999, just as he did when, in 2009, he found her slumped on the sofa, unable to talk.

Twice a hero: Ewan Parry, 8, dialled 999 when he saw his mother Diane fall to the ground, just as he did when, in 2009, he found her slumped, unable to talk

Twice a hero: Ewan Parry, 8, dialled 999 when he saw his mother Diane fall to the ground, just as he did when, in 2009, he found her slumped, unable to talk

Ewan will now be presented with a second bravery award from the North East Ambulance service.

Mrs Parry has suffered from epilepsy since she was five. She lives with Ewan and her mother Mary, 66, in Ashington, Northumberland.

Mrs Parry was alone with Ewan when she suffered her most recent fit.

But the brave schoolboy acted quickly, directing paramedics to the house and even laying out his mother's medication for them.

Mary Parry said: 'I came home and found Ewan standing on the porch.

'He said his mum wasn't very well and that he had called an ambulance. He did what he had to do and he was great.

Recognition: Ewan will now be presented with a second bravery award from the North East Ambulance service

Recognition: Ewan will now be presented with a second bravery award from the North East Ambulance service

'He's brilliant for his age. He has been to the hospital a few times to meet the epilepsy nurses and was given a book on epilepsy to read.

'Most kids wouldn't read it, but he did, and he knows exactly what to do. He just wants to take care of his mum.'

During the fit, Mrs Parry tore three ligaments in her right foot and chipped a bone. She is now making a full recovery.

She said: 'Ewan has seen me have seizures before, and I've drummed into him that he should either phone my mum's number or dial 999 if he is really worried.

'I can't remember much about what happened, but I am so proud of him.'

Ewan, a pupil at Josephine Butler Primary Academy, will now be presented with a second bravery award.

North East Ambulance call handler Neil Watson was impressed by the eight-year-old's maturity.

He said: 'When Ewan's call came through he was very clear and concise.

'Each question I asked he answered to the best of his ability, he was mature beyond his years.

'When I told him an ambulance was on its way he took it all in his stride.

'He gave me as much medical history as he could about his mum and listened to every instruction I gave him and without hesitation carried out all of the requests I made.

'He made sure that the door was open ready for the crew and all the medications were ready.

'If all our calls were receive from children and adults like Ewan we would have a much easier job.'

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Please explain the definition if bravery that applies in this case...?

Well done Sunshine, this is the good News that I long to read every day. You are an absolute credit to Society,

Well done young man. What a very lucky Mummy you have, I bet she's so so proud of you she could burst! Well done

He's a Gem.

Well done, very brave. you deserve a award.

Cutie. One proud mummy!

Such a little hero, well done sweetheart :)

Where's his dad? Why is he being forced to be a carer at his age? Very sad but at the same time uplifting story.

Brilliant. Well done! This story really made me smile, a refreshing change!

Very brave little man, he must feel very proud of himself but I can't help feeling a little sorry for him, I experience this and it is horrible to think your mother can have a fit when you are not there, constantly worrying, not nice for a liitle boy. Bless him. xxx

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