Senin, 28 Mei 2012

Schoolboy, 10, becomes Britain's youngest joyrider after crashing foster parents' car into a tree

Schoolboy, 10, becomes Britain's youngest joyrider after crashing foster parents' car into a tree

  • Youngster stole car after argument with foster parents
  • Vehicle swerved across lanes and hit another car
  • He narrowly avoids missing diners in Chinese restaurant
  • No one was injured in the two mile joyride
  • Eye witness said boy was 'asking to see his dad'

By Phil Vinter


A youngster has become one of Britain’s youngest ever joyriders after he drove his parents’ car for two miles, missing pedestrians by millimetres, before crashing into a tree.

The boy, who is just ten years old, stole the keys to the Suzuki Alto and took it on an ‘erratic’ ten minute journey before ploughing into the tree or bush at a roundabout in his home town of Bellinge, Northamptonshire.

It is believed the primary school pupil took the vehicle following an argument with his foster parents on Saturday afternoon â€" amazingly he avoided injured.

Crash: The scene where a ten-year-old boy crashed a car he stole from his foster parents into a tree in Octagon Way, in Bellinge, Northamptonshire

Crash: The scene where a ten-year-old boy crashed a car he stole from his foster parents into a tree in Octagon Way, in Bellinge, Northamptonshire

He was too small to properly see over the wheel and hit another car shortly after setting off on the joyride â€" only just avoiding hitting a Chinese restaurant full of diners.

Witnesses reported seeing the car swerving across lanes and eyewitness Josh Tompkins said: ‘Nobody was injured but he missed pedestrians and other vehicles by millimetres, it could have been a hell of a lot worse.

‘After I’d chased him and managed to get my breath back he was telling me he needed to see his dad.’

Mess The boy, who is just ten years old, pinched the keys to the Suzuki Alto and took it on an ¿erratic¿ ten minute journey before ploughing into the tree.

Mess: The boy, who is just ten years old, pinched the keys to the Suzuki Alto and took it on an 'erratic' ten minute journey before ploughing into the tree

Another witness, who did not want to be named, added: ‘To see a little kid behind the wheel of a car like that was pretty bizarre.

‘I’m surprised his feet could reach the pedals and he could actually see where he was going.

‘It was a pretty close call as he was all over the place. His driving was a little bit erratic to say the least.

‘But I suppose that’s what you would expect from a ten year old.’

Police today confirmed they were investigating the incident.

As the boy just meets the age of criminal responsibility a meeting involving different vested parties will be held to decide whether further action should be taken.

Inspector Carl Sturman, from Northamptonshire Police, said: ‘There seems to have been an argument between the boy and his foster parents and he took their car.

‘He hit another vehicle as he was driving off and ended crashing into a bush or a tree. There was only minor damage and he wasn’t injured.

‘It seems as though it was a fairly lucky escape. He obviously drove reasonably well to get as far as he did.

‘He’s certainly one of the youngest drivers I’ve come across.’

Windy: This aerial view shows the route the boy took through Bellinge

Windy: This aerial view shows the route the boy took through Bellinge

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