By Victoria Wellman
Despite tough economic times and a solid unemployment rate, a new study has revealed that women are not interested in dating a man with no job.
Dating site, It's Just Lunch, surveyed 925 men and women and found that a whopping 75per cent of women were turned off by unemployment.
Though notably conducted by a matchmaking service for singles looking to meet 'normal, well-educated professionals', the report broke down the numbers to find out whether the votes were finance-based or more complex.Â

Job prospects? A new survey has found that women are less likely to date a guy if he is out of work and will staunchly refuse if finding a job is not a priority
Of the 75per cent only 33per cent staunchly refused to entertain the notion of dating a guy with no job, signalling perhaps that these women were concerned mostly with how much money is in the bank.
But a generous 43per cent said they would consider seeing someone who was unemployed if getting a job was a priority in the near future.
A mere 21per cent responded to the survey by saying they didn't care and would go out with someone regardless of what their professional ambitions may be.
Men meanwhile were far more open-minded with 46per cent of those participating in the survey certain they would date a woman who was out of work and 19per cent committing to having 'no reservations'.
The research found that women were more concerned with the idea of a man being 'engaged in an activity' that one earning triple figures.
Irene LaCota is a spokesman for It's Just Lunch told Jezebel: 'Not having a job will definitely make it harder for men to date someone they don't already know.
'This is the rare area, compared to other topics we've done surveys on, where women's old-fashioned beliefs about sex roles seem to apply.'
So while hard times have understandably left many without a paycheck, men who never had a professional goal in the first place are among those who will find it harder to appeal to women.
On the other side of the fence, the fact that so many single men are disinterested in a woman's career credentials could point to a more old-fashioned attitude that belittles the importance of a woman's job.
If so, says Jezebel, 'commence hand-wringing.'
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My daughter was stupid enough too but soon regretted it as this chap was a complete waste of space. - JENNIE, NORTHAMPTON, 28/6/2012 20:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yes, mine was supid enough to be with an unemployed loser for five years (she always worked). She now has £10,000 of debt to pay back.!
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....of ambition to get a job would definitely be aa deal-breaker. â" Doctor married to underemployed lawyer, expecting second child soon., London, ----- Funny how men don't think like this and never have... - AR, London, UK, 29/6/2012 2:52 The REAL tragedy, "AR" - is that some women DO! And many even think that getting pregnant will improve things! Poor kiddies, uh?
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if he has no job but is rich...yes...yes...yes
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My boyfriend and I split up a few months after he lost his job. He became depressed and resentful of the fact that I had a job and started to belittle me and put me down. It's funny how you think you know someone until a crisis like this happens. I was willing to stand by him and tried to offer as much support as I could. I think I would now struggle to date someone new who didn't have a job as they wouldn't be able to share the things I enjoy doing like going away for weekends, out to dinner and anything that costs money! The imbalance of a job loss to a steady relationship is hard enough let alone getting yourself into a new relationship with someone who doesn't have a job.
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If he looked like Ian Harding
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Yes, I would have when single and I did. He had been laid off about a month before we met and was looking for a job. We dated for about eight months before he found one. Ten years and two children later we're very happily married. Not having a job does not always equate to being a lazy bum who doesn't want to work.
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A lot of it depends on age. People in their 20s of both sexes usually dont have a problem dating someone who is unemployed. Generally speaking, a good looking, nice guy, who is a struggling starving artist (Writer,actor, musician etc.) will have no problem dating women in his 20s. But as soon as he hits his 30s its not cute to most women anymore if he is still struggling. At least that what I found. And if you are still living on the edge in your 40s then God help you. A life of celibacy will soon be yours. A friend of mine who lived in the Soviet Union told me that since everyone was equally poor in those days it all came down to attraction and compatibility. Now in the new Russia it is just like everywhere in the West where naked ambition and money come first. And lets be honest. It isnt JUST employment. It is what KIND of employment the man has and how old he is.
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Noway! I have a job, so should they! I like a bit of give and take, theres a difference between somebody temporarily out of work and looking and somebody who's permanently unemployed but on paper no job then sorry.
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I'm an unemployed man with rickets,I am living in an homeless hostel,on the plus side,i have beaten my heroin addiction,I only drink alcohol now,i can also cook great stews,anyone out there wanna give me a chance?
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No amount of social engineering or feminism is ever going to change that. Hypergamy or 'marrying up' is hard-wired into most heterosexual women. ---- Given how societies are basically going to make by law that women have to be a certain percent of jobs, and of course only at the higher levels, never at the bottom, and if there's still some sort of "gender gap" they'll just tax men at higher levels and redistribute the money to women... But if women start really outearning men, there won't be enough men for women to marry up to, so there will be a lot of women going unmarried, but then realizing working sucks, and then there will be a demand for the taxpayer to provide a retirement for them.
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