Senin, 28 Mei 2012

Kim Kardashian accuses British Airways of 'stealing items from her luggage' in Twitter rant

Kim Kardashian accuses British Airways of 'stealing items from her luggage' in Twitter rant

By Donna Mcconnell


Reality television star Kim Kardashian has long flaunted her extensive lingerie collection in her online tweets.

But it seems she has severe objections to airline British Airways rifling through her smalls.

The reality star accused the flagship airline of stealing 'irreplaceable' items from her luggage.

And the mind boggles at what exactly was taken from the professional self-publicist's bags to prompt her to launch the verbal attack.

Fury: Reality star Kim Kardashian alleges British Airways 'opened her luggage and took special items' from her bag in an online rant yesterday

Fury: Reality star Kim Kardashian alleges British Airways 'opened her luggage and took special items' from her bag in an online rant yesterday

The reality star claimed her visit to Europe ended on a sour note after 'sentimental' items were removed from her suitcase.

She had recently been on a promotional trip to London to film scenes for her latest TV show and then flew on to Cannes.

In a series of tweets last night, she wrote: 'Very disappointed in British Airways for opening my luggage taking some special items of mine! Some things are sentimental not replaceable.

Drama: Kim didn't let the loss of her precious items get in the way of a visit to the beauty salon in Santa Monica Drama: Kim didn't let the loss of her precious items get in the way of a visit to the beauty salon in Santa Monica

Drama: Kim didn't let the loss of her precious items get in the way of a visit to the beauty salon in Santa Monica

'What happened to the days when you could lock your bags! We need to get back to that. There's no sense of security no trust! Shame on you(sic)'

Kim's rant online: The star slammed British Airways in a very damning tirade

Kim's rant online: The star slammed British Airways in a very damning tirade

But as she said the items were not replaceable - it's probably not the kind of item that may cause embarrassment.

Kim is mobbed by fans and photographers as she arrives back in Los Angeles after going to the Cannes Film Festival in France

Lost Kim seen arriving back in Los Angeles last week after attending the Cannes Film Festival

British Airways said when contacted that they are 'aware' of the accusation and are 'looking into it.

BA is highly respected in the world of air travel and celebrated it's 90th anniversary in 2009.

Kim is back in Los Angeles after a whistle-stop promotional tour of London, and then a week at the Cannes International Film Festival where her beau, rapper Kanye West debuted his short film.

And it was at the festival where the reality star finally made up with her rival and former best friend Paris Hilton after they shared a touch ing heart-to-heart.

They have been feuding ever since Kim outgrew the lowly role of the socialite's best friend to top the reality television tree.

But the 31-year-olds are apparently friends again after they had a deep conversation together at the amfAR gala Thursday at the Hotel do Cap-Eden-Roc in Antibes.

According to the New York Post, witnesses were amazed to see them all smiles during their chance meeting.

A witness said the intelligent duo 'hugged, smiled and chatted for a while.'

The source said: 'They really have no problem with each other; it has been a long time.'

Here's what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts, or debate this issue live on our message boards.

The comments below have been moderated in advance.

'A witness said the intelligent duo', really DM?

Oh please Kim, why take these "sentimental" items away with you? You can't guarantee this won't happen!

Well things do get stolen, so it's believable. Get over the hate as she is not going anywhere.

This is just another reason why Kim is getting divorced for the second time... Pick, pick, pick; Nag, nag, nag; On and on and on.... Because, she always finds fault and rants on and on and on. Next time, leave your sentimental stuff HOME. It was only a short trip anyway. Such fabulous wealth and spoiled Kim is complaining about what exactly? Got her another news article in DM though. Such a silly family.

If something is irreplaceable or sentimental to me, I don't check them I put them in my carry-on. Duh.

American s***ging off Britan, never. really ? they need to look at themselves in there wallmart bought mirror. yanks , what to do with them

Take what exactly? Come on, tell all, in case the items show up on Ebay! Where is the proof? Why take sentimental items overseas anyway? After all the hospitality shown, not a nice way to exit Great Briain/Europe! Spoiled Kim blaming everybody else for everything gone wrong in her priviledged little life. Geesh.

Please, please, please, PLEASE stop writing about this boring one-facial-expression person and her cheap, boring, sell-out family! And they are not "stars", they are over-exposed extras! I regurgitate every time I have to browse past photos of them, which is every single day. PLEASE just STOP!

What a fool,if these things are irreplaceable,surely you put them in carry on and not in your checked in luggage.

Did they steal one of her sex tapes??????? Or maybe they left that behind and that's why she's so is she going to get it leaked now?

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