Senin, 28 Mei 2012

Mother gives birth to twins a year after she was told her cancer treatment would render her infertile

Mother gives birth to twins a year after she was told her cancer treatment would render her infertile

  • Clair Sudron, 32, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010
  • She underwent four courses of chemotherapy to kill any remaining cancerous cells and doctors warned her she would likely be infertile
  • But just over a year later the sales assistant welcomed twins

By Graham Smith


A mother has given birth to twins just two years after she was told cancer treatment would leave her infertile.

Clair Sudron, 32, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010 and had successful surgery at Hartlepool Hospital to remove a lump.

She then underwent four courses of chemotherapy to kill any remaining cancerous cells.

But doctors warned her that she would likely to be left infertile and faced the heart-wrenching possibility of never having a family in the future.

'Fantastic': Clair Sudron, 32, has given birth to twins Bella and Scarlett just two years after she was told cancer treatment would leave her infertile

'Fantastic': Clair Sudron, 32, has given birth to twins Bella and Scarlett just two years after she was told cancer treatment would leave her infertile

Yet just over a year later, the sales assistant discovered she was carrying twins.

And seven weeks ago she gave birth to daughters Bella and Scarlett Herring, who were both given a clean bill of health.

Miss Sudron, of Hartlepool, County Durham, discovered her lump early on, which resulted in medics being able to save her life.

She is now encouraging others to go for a check-up if they have any doubts whatsoever.

Miss Sudron, who lives with partner S teven Herring, said: 'I can’t really describe that moment when you are told you have cancer.

'The surgeon said to me he couldn’t believe I had breast cancer, I was young, didn’t smoke, wasn’t overweight and looked after myself.

'I suppose I did fear the worst, there were times where I was sat there thinking "God, I’m going to be dead in six months.”'

Twin sisters: Babies Scarlett (left) and Bella Herring have both been given a clean bill of health

Twin sisters: Babies Scarlett (left) and Bella Herring have both been given a clean bill of health

Happy family: Miss Sudron and her partner Steven Herring are now experiencing the joys of parenthood

Happy family: Miss Sudron and her partner Steven Herring are now experiencing the joys of parenthood

Miss Sudron was relieved when medics revealed that the cancer had not spread to lymph nodes around the body and surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy was successful.

Then in August last year, she realised that she was pregnant.

She said: 'I had all of the symptoms of being pregnant but to be honest I thought it was the chemotherapy, it really messes all of your systems up.

'But I did a few tests and they were all positive. I remember ringing my family and telling them I was going round to speak to them, they all thought I was going to tell them the cancer had ca me back.'

Miss Sudron was told she was carrying twins in a routine nine-week scan.

She said: 'I had always wanted to have kids but I just figured I was going to have to have get used to the idea of not being able to.

'To find out I was pregnant and then to find out I was going to have twins was fantastic, absolutely fantastic.'

The pregnancy went to plan and Bella and Scarlett are now at home with their parents.

Miss Sudron added: 'I say it to my friends all of the time now, just not to take anything at all for granted. You never know what’s round the corner.'

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Well done, how about getting married now then? Or is she too "modern".

Wonderful News. It can be really hard to get pregnant.

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